Empowering Communities | Changing Lives

"It's a New Day at The Fort Wayne Urban League - And It Begins with You!"

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The Fort Wayne Urban League

We’re Here for YOU! Check out our recent PSA video that is running on area TV stations right now!


Key Programs & Services

Young Professionals (YPL)

We are the young professional leaders of the Fort Wayne Urban League. We are concerned about disadvantaged communities and committed to taking positive action to shape the city.

Reliable Staffing Service

For more than 90 years, the Fort Wayne Urban League has provided a wide variety of services to help thousands of diverse Fort Wayne residents reach their potential, and achieve self-sufficiency for themselves and their families.

Economic Empowerment

Economic empowerment underlies all programs and services of the Fort Wayne Urban League (FWUL) Inc. Therefore, FWUL’s Economic Empowerment Center targets under-served youth, adults and families, including Asset Limited, Income Challenged populations, by providing financial education and skills-based training that help increase their knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for attaining economic self-reliance.


To advance social equity and economic self-reliance for African Americans and others in underserved communities.


The Fort Wayne Urban League will become the premiere institution that secures socio-economic access and opportunities for all citizens.

Our History:

In 1920, a small group of progressive-minded African American leaders from Fort Wayne realized that a growing number of peers were migrating north to escape the Jim Crow South, thus sought better economic and social opportunities. These residents recognized that migrating African Americans would need help with their assimilation process into northeast Indiana—in terms of acquiring homes and attaining jobs and entering educational institutions. This realization was the impetus behind the Fort Wayne Community Association, and worked primarily to provide organized recreation for youth and social opportunities.

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