Mothers for the Movement: Every Child Home Alive is an initiative focused on educating youth on proper protocols when interacting with police and fostering positive engagement between local police and the communities they serve.

Mothers for the Movement draws inspiration from successful programs in Chicago and Gary, where Urban League affiliates have made remarkable strides in improving youth-police relationships.


The Fort Wayne Urban League has partnered with the Fort Wayne Police Department to establish protocols for the youth to use as an educational tool when stopped by the police during a traffic stop. Proper protocols are important for safety, clarity, and mutual respect.

The established protocols are STOP, SHOW, STAY™.

Released footage revealed that George Floyd used his final breaths to call for his mother. Mama,” he called. “Mama. I’m through.

Somewhere in the depths of his being, he believed somehow, someway, his mother could help him in his last, horrifying moments. Because isn’t it ultimately what everyone believes in their core? My mother will always come.

But Mr. Floyd’s mother couldn’t come—she died two years ago.

When mothers around the world heard this, we let out a collective wail. Because deep down in the depths of our beings, all we ever want to be able to do is come when our babies call us.

I’m here, my love, I’m here.

George Floyd’s mother couldn’t say that. But we can. Not in time to help Mr. Floyd, but please, dear God, please, in time to help someone else.

Diana Spalding, CNM